A First Foundation Blog

Cyber Security Build

'Tis the Season for Online Fraud

At First Foundation, we take our responsibility of keeping you safe and secure very seriously. As we enter the holiday season, it's important to be vigilant against potential cybersecurity scams that often occur during this time of year. By staying informed and taking necessary precautions, we can help prevent cybercriminals from disrupting our financial well-being.

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Cyber Security Build

Scammers Are Turning to Text - Simple Tips to Thwart Being Scammed Over Text

It is not an understatement to say that everyone is texting. Texting, including iMessage™ and Messages by Google™, is everywhere. According to recent studies, 270,000 texts are sent every second. And it is not just the frequency that has increased; texting has become ubiquitous. We text with just about everyone – from family, friends, co-workers, even the local restaurant about when your table is ready. Heck, even my dry cleaner sends me a..

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Cyber Security Build

Bank Jugging: A Dangerous Crime on the Rise

| 12/14/22 10:34 AM

When you think about all the crimes that takes place at banks, you might imagine the bank being the target of a robbery but not yourself. With bank jugging robbery, the target is you, the bank customer. Although bank jugging robberies are nothing new, it is becoming increasingly common.

Here is what you need to know about bank jugging and tips on how you can avoid becoming a potential target when visiting our branches.

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