A First Foundation Blog

Raising the Bar, Empowering Futures


The NAACP of Collier County's "Raising The Bar" summer program aims to equip high school students with skills and confidence by focusing on mentorship, academic support, and career readiness. Volunteers play a crucial role in this mission, offering their time, expertise, and encouragement to guide the students toward a brighter future.

The two-week program includes daily financial literacy education for the students. First Foundation Bank sponsors the program, and our employees volunteer their time and share their knowledge to teach the students different financial education segments.

This year, Luca Maselli, Angelica Lastra, and Heather Tice developed and led a curriculum that taught the students practical skills in budgeting, saving, managing credit, and managing living costs.

Heather Tice, Marketing Manager, expressed her fulfillment in creating and leading the financial education program, noting that every moment was a labor of love. Luca Maselli, Commercial Underwriter, says, “I was very excited when asked to participate in this program and utilized methods I have taught during several previous Junior Achievement sessions."

Financial education is crucial for helping students make informed decisions now and develop positive habits as they transition into adulthood. "The kids were very involved and asked several questions relevant to their life experiences as the evolution in technology changes how we look at financial literacy," shares Luca. On the final day, employees from various bank departments presented their educational backgrounds, work experiences, and career paths.

Students learning about financial literacy early on can have a profound and lasting impact on their lives. This includes improved academic performance, better financial management skills, lower debt levels, and enhanced career readiness. These all lead to greater economic mobility, enabling them to make strategic decisions. Improved financial practices within households can have a positive ripple effect throughout communities, painting a hopeful picture for the future.

First Foundation Bank applauds Luca, Angelica, and Heather for their commitment and efforts this month. We recognize them as our Volunteers of the Month, and their dedication is truly appreciated and valued.

"I am truly grateful to be named one of the Volunteers of the Month alongside my esteemed colleagues. My first experience teaching financial education classes was enriching and strengthened my passion for volunteer teaching. I am committed to continuing this enriching journey because of how much fulfillment it brings me to use my knowledge and experience to impart these important foundational skills to others." Angelica Lastra, Small Business Regional Sales Manager.

First Foundation will donate $100 for each of our three volunteers of the month. Heather, Luca, and Angelica selected Blessings in a Backpack of Southwest Florida to receive donations. Our volunteer's combined support will pay for two local students to obtain food on the weekends or during school holiday closures for the upcoming school year.


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Emily Sukman, Community Engagement Officer
About the Author
Emily Sukman, Community Engagement Officer

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