A First Foundation Blog

Wealth & Lifestyle Philanthropy Enjoy

Volunteer of the Month - Nancy Salcedo, Branch Manager, El Centro, CA

Realizing the Potential

This month, we proudly spotlight Nancy Salcedo, El Centro Branch Manager. Nancy is a dedicated member of the Soroptimist International Imperial Valley Chapter. She joined earlier this year and immediately became an active member by joining the Grants Committee to help the organization raise funds for local initiatives.

Nancy is not just a member but an inspiring advocate for women's rights and opportunities. Her passion..

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Wealth & Lifestyle Philanthropy Enjoy

Volunteer of the Month - Rosio Flores, Universal Banker

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Wealth & Lifestyle Philanthropy Enjoy

Volunteer of the Month - Jay Kanner, SVP, Retail Banking Market Area Director

Bowling is My Super Power

Congratulations to Jay Kanner, the June Volunteer of the Month!

Jay is the founder, Director, and driving force of the Palm Springs Desert Invitational Classic (, an event that has become a staple in the Palm Springs bowling community since 2006.  Jay's involvement in organizing and running this event highlights his commitment to creating inclusive spaces for LGBTQ+ community members.

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