A First Foundation Blog

Wealth & Lifestyle Philanthropy Enjoy

Volunteer of the Month - Nicole Barber, VP, Corporate Banker

It is a pleasure to highlight Nicole Barber, a Corporate Banker in Dallas, TX, as First Foundation’s Volunteer of the Month. Nicole began volunteering with City House in Plano, TX, after moving to Dallas in 2022. City House provides vital services to youth and young adults who are experiencing homelessness, abuse, or neglect. They aim to provide emergency shelter and transitional residential services to lead vulnerable youth toward..

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Wealth & Lifestyle Philanthropy Enjoy

Volunteer of the Year: Emari Hunn, Vice President – Branch Manager, Honolulu

3 minute read

At First Foundation, our volunteers lie at the core of our philanthropic efforts. We celebrate their dedication and hard work each month by sharing their inspiring stories to encourage other volunteers to follow in their footsteps. The Volunteer of the Year award is a unique opportunity for us to recognize the outstanding individuals who have gone above and beyond in serving our community. This year, we are proud to announce our..

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Wealth & Lifestyle Philanthropy Enjoy

Volunteer of the Month: Heather Tice – VP, Marketing & Events Manager

Giving Back and Paying it Forward: A Leader in Community Service and Advocacy

At First Foundation, we are inspired by the dedication and selflessness of our volunteers, who give their time and resources to support nonprofit organizations. This month, we are proud to recognize Heather Tice, Vice President and Marketing Manager of Events and Community, for her unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of children.

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