A First Foundation Blog

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Empowering the Next Generation through Volunteering; Teaching Financial Literacy with Junior Achievement

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As we commemorate National Financial Literacy Month and National Volunteer Week in April, we want to highlight the importance of financial education and volunteerism. At First Foundation, we believe in the pivotal role that financial literacy plays in promoting economic mobility. With great pride, we align ourselves with Junior Achievement, aka JA, the nation's largest organization dedicated to giving young people the knowledge and..

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Wealth & Lifestyle Philanthropy Enjoy

The Joslyn Center and First Foundation Partner to Provide Financial Literacy to Seniors

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As we age, it becomes increasingly important to be financially literate and understand the complexities of managing our finances.  Unfortunately, for many seniors, this can be a daunting task.  That's why the Joslyn Center, a senior association and wellness center in Southern California, partnered with First Foundation to offer financial literacy classes to seniors in the area.

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Wealth & Lifestyle Philanthropy Enjoy

Volunteer of the Month: Ashot Hareyan – Director of Enterprise Applications

3 minute read

Please give a round of applause for Ashot Hareyan, SVP and Director of Enterprise Applications, for being named our February Volunteer of the Month.

Ashot regularly volunteers with the Burbank Unified School District National Academy Foundation (NAF). While attending Burbank High School, Ashot joined the Academy of Finance, part of the National Academy Foundation. There, he gained valuable knowledge about finance, accounting,..

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