A First Foundation Blog

Wealth & Lifestyle Philanthropy Enjoy

Focus on Philanthropy – SCORE Los Angeles

2 minute read

Since 1964 SCORE, an organization that is an arm of the Small Business Administration (SBA), has been helping small business owners grow and succeed. The organization has the largest network of volunteer small business mentors in the United States. Mentors come from all fields to help guide small business owners through the process of how to start, grow, or transition their business. SCORE mentors are all volunteers; most of them..

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Wealth & Lifestyle Philanthropy Enjoy

Focus on Philanthropy – Children's Heart Foundation

3 minute read

First Foundation believes in supporting the wealth and well-being of each and every one of our clients; and one of the ways we aim to support the overall well-being of clients is through our community partnerships and relationships. One of those very important partnerships is with the Children’s Heart Foundation in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The Children’s Heart Foundation’s mission for those they support is similar to ours, supporting the..

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Wealth & Lifestyle Enjoy

What is Long-Term Care?

| 6/1/21 10:00 AM
5 minute read

Nobody wants to think about getting old, yet proper wealth planning has to face the facts: getting old is part of life, and the better prepared you are the more enjoyment you will find later in life. Plus, advances in healthcare have allowed people to extend that enjoyment longer than ever before. But that comes with cost. How can you prepare for inevitable expenses associated with a prolonged life?

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