A First Foundation Blog

Volunteer of the Month - Jay Kanner, SVP, Retail Banking Market Area Director


Bowling is My Super Power

Congratulations to Jay Kanner, the June Volunteer of the Month!

Jay is the founder, Director, and driving force of the Palm Springs Desert Invitational Classic (, an event that has become a staple in the Palm Springs bowling community since 2006.  Jay's involvement in organizing and running this event highlights his commitment to creating inclusive spaces for LGBTQ+ community members.

The Palm Springs Invitational Classic is an annual bowling tournament on the third weekend of every October. It attracts hundreds of participants from within the LGBTQ+ community from all over California and many other states.  Supported by the International Gay Bowling Organization (, the event promotes inclusivity, sportsmanship, and community spirit.  It has become well known for its vibrant atmosphere and positive community impact.  

"As we start our 18th year, I'm proud to say we have raised tens of thousands of dollars during our event for other local Coachella Valley LGBTQ+ non-profit organizations since the event's inception," shares Jay.

Bowling runs in Jay's blood. His parents owned a bowling alley when he was growing up, and for Jay, participating in and organizing these events is a heartfelt tribute to them. His efforts honor their legacy and keep the love of the sport alive for him and the community. Jay's story is a testament to how personal history and passion can blend to create something extraordinary.

Jay's approach to service is deeply personal, understanding the importance of community and the impact that supportive environments can have on an individual. Jay sets a remarkable example as a leader by encouraging his team to volunteer and engage in community service. He believes in the power of collective effort and knows that real change happens when people come together with a shared purpose.

"Through the power of bowling, my passion for the sport, and as a tribute to my parents is what drives me to create a brighter future for our community. Bowling helps people come together to have fun and share a common passion for the sport and make a positive difference towards improving the lives of others."

Thank you, Jay, for your remarkable contributions and inspiring us all with your dedication and enthusiasm. We look forward to many more years of your leadership and support in the community.

First Foundation will donate $100 to the food bank at The Center in Palm Springs, a local LGBTQ+ community resource. The food bank feeds more than 20,000 individuals annually. Learn more about The Center by visiting 

Jay and his partner, Rick, will match the donation through their own charitable foundation.


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Emily Sukman, Community Engagement Officer
About the Author
Emily Sukman, Community Engagement Officer