A First Foundation Blog

Volunteer of the Month - Nancy Salcedo, Branch Manager, El Centro, CA


Realizing the Potential

This month, we proudly spotlight Nancy Salcedo, El Centro Branch Manager. Nancy is a dedicated member of the Soroptimist International Imperial Valley Chapter. She joined earlier this year and immediately became an active member by joining the Grants Committee to help the organization raise funds for local initiatives.

Nancy is not just a member but an inspiring advocate for women's rights and opportunities. Her passion for improving the lives of women and girls in Imperial Valley, CA, is truly inspiring. As part of the global organization Soroptimist, she empowers women through education and resources, providing scholarships for those seeking to continue their education. Her belief in the power of education to provide financial stability and choice is contagious, and her work is a testament to the impact one person can have.

Nancy's service as a mentor, advocate, and leader has left a significant mark on the community. Her passion for making a difference is evident in the numerous projects she has spearheaded, like Sabrina's Wish. This program, run through Soroptimist, honors the memory of a young high school student and provides prom dresses to those who may not be able to afford them. Nancy's participation in pop-ups for El Centro and Calexico High School has brought smiles and happiness to many, leaving an indelible mark on the community.

Reflecting on the impact of her work, Nancy shares, "The smiles and happiness from the girls and their families who attended with them were unmatched. We even started the 'she said yes to the dress' phrase when they decided on the dress and had everyone clap and congratulate them." This feedback is a testament to the joy and satisfaction that Nancy's work brings to the community.

Nancy also combines her passion for helping create equity for women with her knowledge of financial education. Recently, she presented at the Small Business Development Center in conjunction with the Mexican Consulate through their Mexicana Emprende program. The presentation was about financial literacy (business checking accounts) and was delivered entirely in Spanish at the Small Business Development Center. The group of about 15 women is either running a small business or looking to start one.

"The day of the presentation, the women that attended felt comfortable asking questions; there were tons of ah-ha moments. Providing them with the knowledge that they will be put to use once their businesses are established felt amazing. Volunteering in my community has created so many networking opportunities," Nancy says, "I have met local leaders and business professionals that will be valuable in terms of partnerships, referrals, and business opportunities. It has helped me build stronger relationships since it has allowed me to connect with customers and community members on a personal level. The relationships help build trust and loyalty, and clients like to see you be a part of non-profit events because they see it as a common ground, and if they are there, they support the same cause."

Nancy has selected Soroptimist International of El Centro to receive a $100 donation from First Foundation Bank on her behalf. Thank you for all that you do in the community, Nancy!



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Emily Sukman, Community Engagement Officer
About the Author
Emily Sukman, Community Engagement Officer