A First Foundation Blog

Volunteer of the Month - Rosanna Lafarga, Irvine, CA

Running the Distance

This month, we honor Rosanna Lafarga, a pillar at our Child Creativity Lab Entrepreneur Camps with Innovative Housing Opportunities, Irvine, CA, and the Boys and Girls Club of Buena Park, CA.

Rosanna's passion for education and hands-on learning inspires fellow volunteers. At the Child Creativity Lab Entrepreneur Camps, Rosanna is integral in guiding the students through the projects to help them elaborate and fully explore their business plans, igniting their imagination. She helps kids explore their creative potential while encouraging problem-solving, teamwork, and self-expression.

When asked about her favorite aspect of volunteering with Child Creativity Lab, Rosanna said, "I loved seeing the students' minds at work. Seeing the joy on a child's face when they complete a project they didn't think they could at the beginning of the week is so rewarding. It shows me the importance of creative learning and how it can build students' confidence in many other areas of their lives."

Rosanna's volunteer efforts take a more personal approach to fundraising for causes close to her heart. She has run races to support Lymphoma and Leukemia Research in remembrance of her brother-in-law and for Sarcoma Cancer Research in remembrance of her mother. She has also run races in honor of her sister to support Breast Cancer Research. Rosanna has raised over $2,500 for cancer research for these personally meaningful organizations.

With determination and an unwavering commitment to her goals, Rosanna loves the challenge of the races and the feeling of giving back as she raises funds for these causes.  Rosanna has run 28 Half Marathons (13.1 miles), 9 Marathons (26.2 miles), and one Ultra Marathon (31 miles). She was picked through the lottery twice for the New York City Marathon, first in 2015 and again in 2022. Her favorite race is the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon, which was both Rosanna's first full marathon and the run her mom would come to watch. The first time she ran it in 2011, her mom and sisters drove around the entire course all over San Diego and waited on the sidelines for Rosanna to pass by.  

"Nothing meant more to me than to run to my mom and give her hugs. She went to every marathon race I had until she passed in 2015. Now, my son & partner are following me all over town to show their support. I love seeing my 11-year-old impressed by my running!" 

Rosanna completed the Beach Cities Challenge this year by running three CA Beach Cities races: Huntington Beach, Long Beach, and Newport Beach.  

Rosanna has selected After-Schools All-Stars charity in Los Angeles, CA to receive a donation on her behalf. After-School All-Stars is a leading after-school program whose mission to educate, enlighten and inspire thousands of students each day through after-school activities centered around academic support; health, fitness and nutrition.

Thank you, Rosanna, for your tireless commitment and passion!


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Emily Sukman, Community Engagement Officer
About the Author
Emily Sukman, Community Engagement Officer