A First Foundation Blog

Volunteer of the Month - Rosio Flores, Universal Banker


Teaching the Next Generation

This month, we are thrilled to spotlight Rosio Flores, Universal Banker, at our Pasadena Office in California. Rosio is passionate about teaching, learning, and lending her skills to those in need. She approaches volunteer projects with unmatched enthusiasm, driven by her genuine desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others. 

One of Rosio's favorite ways to give back is working with children. Recently, she devoted her time to the Child Creativity Lab Entrepreneur Camp in Orange County, CA, where she guided students through a week-long journey of creating business ideas, developing products or services, and mastering financial education skills such as budgeting and public speaking She shared, "I'm amazed by the kid's creativity, their eagerness to learn, and the fun they have as their imaginations run wild." 

But Rosio's commitment to community support doesn't stop there. Last winter, she took the initiative to teach financial literacy classes at El Proyecto del Barrio, crafting engaging presentations to enrich the Los Angeles, CA based organization's workforce development program. Her dedication and expertise left a lasting impact on attendees, who greatly appreciated the valuable knowledge and skills Rosio imparted. 

Rosio has been with First Foundation Bank for two years. In addition to her volunteer work, she is a devoted mother of three who cherishes moments spent with her children engaging in arts and crafts, baking, and cooking. Halloween holds a special place in their hearts, as they all revel in dressing up in costumes that Rosio lovingly handcrafts for them. Her talents and creativity truly know no bounds. 

First Foundation Bank will donate $100 to A Place Called Home on behalf of Rosio.

A Place Called Home inspires, encourages, and supports young people in South Los Angeles, CA, to achieve social, emotional, and economic success. The multi-service youth and community center has been helping young people who face tremendous challenges experience the safety, joy, and opportunity that should be a part of every childhood. 



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Emily Sukman, Community Engagement Officer
About the Author
Emily Sukman, Community Engagement Officer