A First Foundation Blog

Volunteer of the Year- Paul Miller, Westwood, CA

Paul Miller, a dedicated team member and the newly appointed Senior Managing Director of First Foundation Advisors, is the 2024 Volunteer of the Year for his exceptional commitment to community service. His work with Momentum and the Los Angeles Sports and Entertainment Commission sets a high standard for community engagement and advocacy.

Paul's volunteerism and activism began in his youth when he accompanied his mother at the day camp, where she ran for individuals with disabilities. He began to work more formally with Momentum when it was the United Cerebral Palsy of Los Angeles. Over the years, both the organization and Paul's role have expanded significantly. He has served as Chairman, Endowment Chair, and in numerous other roles, tirelessly working to raise awareness and secure resources for their mission.

Momentum provides comprehensive services for those with developmental and physical disabilities, and Paul’s involvement with the organization underscores his dedication to empowering individuals with disabilities. Paul's efforts to boost awareness and resources have significantly impacted the organization and the lives of those it serves. 

Paul is also the Chair of Momentum Refresh, a for-profit company initiated by Momentum to provide the public with fully accessible, universally designed mobile restrooms and changing stations. Refresh was established with a vision to eliminate accessibility barriers and create better options where they are lacking. In 2024, Fast Company recognized Momentum Refresh for its innovative contributions.

In addition to his work with Momentum, Paul plays a vital role as the Finance Committee Chairman for the Los Angeles Sports and Entertainment Commission. He joined the organization more than 25 years ago when it was still part of Champion LA. Its goal was to raise funds and host events that would positively impact the local economy and support community development and job creation.

Paul's contributions have been instrumental in helping LASEC achieve its mission, bringing premier events to Los Angeles and creating opportunities for the local community. He has supported significant events, including the Super Bowl and the World Cup, and is involved in preparations for the 2028 Olympics.

"Paul has been a tremendous friend and supporter of the Los Angeles Sports & Entertainment Commission for over 20 years," says Kathryn S. Schloessman, President & CEO of Los Angeles Sports & Entertainment Commission. "His consistently positive attitude and unwavering support have made him a true asset to our board and a friend to the entire team. We are deeply grateful for his outstanding dedication to our organization."

Paul exemplifies the power of volunteerism and its profound impact on individuals and the community. There may not be another in our ranks who works so quietly for the causes he believes in. Congratulations, Paul! We appreciate your unwavering dedication to the community. 



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Emily Sukman, Community Engagement Officer
About the Author
Emily Sukman, Community Engagement Officer