A First Foundation Blog

First Foundation Advisors

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First Foundation Advisors was founded in 1990 as one of Orange County's first fee-based advisors.

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Investment Commentary Investments & Economy Enjoy Grow

The Flight of the Lamassu: The Investment Outlook for 2018 and Beyond

| 1/23/18 8:40 AM

2017 was a good year for investors. The year was characterized by an accelerating economy and strong gains for stock markets globally. With such a surprisingly good year, questions naturally arise. Can the rally continue? Is there more room to run? Where do we go from here?

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Investment Commentary Investments & Economy Enjoy Grow

The Eye of the Hurricane

| 10/26/17 10:56 AM

The third quarter was a good one for investors, with nearly all financial markets posting solidly positive returns. Year-to-date, stocks, bonds, and real estate are all up nicely. The financial markets have shown remarkable resiliency, having bounced back from one worrisome issue after another. Whether it was the slowdown in China, the devaluation of the yuan, plummeting oil prices, concerns about an overly- aggressive Fed, or the surprise..

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Investment Commentary Investments & Economy Enjoy Grow

Crystal Ball Gazing

| 10/26/17 7:57 AM

It’s been eight years since the financial crisis and Great Recession. The economy seems to be humming on all cylinders. We have experienced remarkably little volatility in the financial markets, despite a swirl of chaos in Washington, a string of deadly natural disasters, and unusually high geopolitical risk. From hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires to a tragic shooting to the existential threat of nuclear war to more mundane issues like a..

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