A slew of risks from rising interest rates, slowing international growth, and a ratcheting up of trade tensions have left investors suddenly feeling vulnerable. In this edition, we discuss these challenges and how to cope with them.
Continue Reading >>The Week Ahead – Bourbon & the Trade War
Welcome to “The Week Ahead” where we take a moment to provide our thoughts on what we can expect in markets and the economy during the upcoming week.
Bourbon, the American whiskey. Scents of vanilla, caramel and oak. I recently had the privilege of attending a charity event featuring a bourbon tasting and learned quite a few things, such as what makes bourbon, bourbon? It really boils down to three main things: it must be produced in the..
Continue Reading >>The Week Ahead – A Double-Edged Sword
Welcome to “The Week Ahead” where we take a moment to provide our thoughts on what we can expect in markets and the economy during the upcoming week.
Last Sunday I visited a local park with my four-year-old son who asked me to push him on the swing set. It’s something that he never seems to get enough of. The swinging motion reminded me of the stock market. Not the fact that the market goes up and down; although it clearly does. I was thinking..
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