A First Foundation Blog

Investments & Economy The Week Ahead Grow

The Week Ahead – Ten Years

Welcome to “The Week Ahead” where we take a moment to provide our thoughts on what we can expect in markets and the economy during the upcoming week.

What, tariffs and trade wars? Mr. Market says dust your shoulder off... the S&P 500 and Dow Jones indices both set new record closes last week, even with the latest trade war salvos being exchanged by the U.S. and China to start the week. As many of you know, the market recently marked the..

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Investments & Economy The Week Ahead Grow

The Week Ahead – California Housing

By | 9/17/18 7:43 AM Brett Dulyea, CFA, CAIA
| 9/17/18 7:43 AM

Welcome to “The Week Ahead” where we take a moment to provide our thoughts on what we can expect in markets and the economy during the upcoming week.

After more than a decade of flying into LAX and braving the traffic of the second busiest airport in the country, my wife’s parents have decided to buy a house in the Los Angeles area to be closer to their grandchildren. The problem is that prices have appreciated so much, they cannot get past..

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Wealth & Lifestyle Philanthropy

Perspectives on Philanthropy

Following your heart and passion to transform lives

Do you find yourself wanting more from your philanthropic efforts? Is it daunting to think about which causes to support and ensure your giving makes the greatest impact? We know that giving feels good and there is strong research to support it. But we also know that with so many options to give, people often aren’t able to maximize the effects of their charitable giving activity.

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