A First Foundation Blog

Investments & Economy The Week Ahead Grow

The Week Ahead – The Line in the Sand

Welcome to “The Week Ahead” where we take a moment to provide our thoughts on what we can expect in markets and the economy during the upcoming week.

Just last August, the headline risk was potential nuclear war with North Korea. Well, this past week we saw history made as North Korea leader Kim Jong Un became the first North Korean leader ever to cross the DMZ (also known as the most heavily armed border in the world) to visit South Korea…..

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Investment Commentary Investments & Economy Enjoy Grow

Redit Levitas: Volatility Returns

| 4/26/18 7:32 AM

Even the Romans had a name for this type of market. Investor anxiety, it seems, is an ancient phenomenon.

Cogito ergo sum. Habeas corpus. Carpe diem. Bona fide. Caveat emptor. Semper fidelis. Redit levitas. All famous Latin phrases. Wait…redit levitas? OK, so maybe that one isn’t among the most recognizable Latin phrases. But I suspect had you been an investor during the Roman Empire, you would certainly be familiar with it. It means “volatility..

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Investments & Economy The Week Ahead Grow

The Week Ahead – The Rising Tide

Welcome to “The Week Ahead” where we take a moment to provide our thoughts on what we can expect in markets and the economy during the upcoming week.

Last Friday the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield closed at 2.96%. The last time the 10-year U.S. Treasury yield closed at 3% or above? It’s been awhile – January 8th, 2014. In the front end of the yield curve, the 2-year U.S. Treasury yield closed at 2.46% on Friday, double what we saw just a year..

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