The NAACP of Collier County's "Raising The Bar" summer program aims to equip high school students with skills and confidence by focusing on mentorship, academic support, and career readiness. Volunteers play a crucial role in this mission, offering their time, expertise, and encouragement to guide the students toward a brighter future.
Continue Reading >>Emily Sukman, Community Engagement Officer
Recent Posts
The Role of Scholarships in Creating a More Prepared and Diverse Workforce
Education remains critical for economic mobility and career success in the ever-evolving job market. However, the rising cost of education can pose a significant barrier for many aspiring students. Non-profit scholarship programs alleviate financial burdens for tuition, books, and other associated expenses. Many of these programs have extended their support through mentorship and programs that help prepare a more competent and diverse workforce.
Continue Reading >>Volunteer of the Month - Jay Kanner, SVP, Retail Banking Market Area Director
Bowling is My Super Power
Congratulations to Jay Kanner, the June Volunteer of the Month!
Jay is the founder, Director, and driving force of the Palm Springs Desert Invitational Classic (, an event that has become a staple in the Palm Springs bowling community since 2006. Jay's involvement in organizing and running this event highlights his commitment to creating inclusive spaces for LGBTQ+ community members.
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