A First Foundation Blog

Investment Commentary Investments & Economy Grow

Market Action Update: Repricing Risk

Much of what we wrote earlier this week still holds true today, but here are the latest developments to our investment outlook given the week’s events.

The market is clearly repricing risk and more importantly reassessing growth, both economically and globally, as well as the underlying effect to company earnings. It’s important to revisit the fundamentals of asset valuation. Global capital values are established by future economic profits; are..

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Investment Commentary Investments & Economy Grow

Market Action Update: Through the Looking-Glass

In Lewis Carroll’s novel Through the Looking-Glass (the sequel to the classic, Alice’s Adventures to Wonderland), Alice once again enters another fantastical world of adventure. Key themes throughout the novel include the reversal of logic and of course, chess. Chess at its heart is a game based on logic and combines both short-term actions as well as setting up long-term endgame scenarios. This is very much similar to investing and specifically..

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Investments & Economy The Week Ahead Grow

The Week Ahead – Groundhog Day

Welcome to “The Week Ahead” where we take a moment to provide our thoughts on what we can expect in markets and the economy during the upcoming week.

In Bill Murray’s 1993 classic, Groundhog Day, he portrays a TV weatherman caught in a time loop. No matter what he did throughout the day, he would awaken to Sonny and Cher’s “I Got You Babe” playing on the radio. Who can forget when he went as far as kidnapping Punxsutawney Phil in an attempt to..

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